
FourT3 takes

26th August 2024

Gig or no gig?

In order for the freelance economy to take off, structural impediments in the current business framework have to change. Sora, OpenAI and similar innovations offer creatives - who are primarily freelancers - access to tools that emulate production fit-&-finish that the Big studios can achieve, but still don't solve the problem of access to box office screens & OTT platforms. This lack of access deprives them of the means to sustain their creative output through their work.

This means that at present, investment firms, companies and governments have put too much focus on 'tool' development rather than on infrastructural development. After all, infrastructure is the means to the end of innovation because that is how the 'right' tools end up being made. If this process is reversed - as it is at present - companies will end up creating tools that have no practical use once the infrastructure sets in by default to address market need. That will mean billions of wasted dollar investments.

FourT3 is working to change this. By employing #AI on the infrastructure of the media industry to address inequalities and unlock greater growth of the Big Screen exhibitor market, boosting the film/TV/Media production industry that freelancers thrive on

11th June 2024

The Cinematic Gamble

The list of high budget flops grows globally, and Hollywood is not spared. Most of the science boils down to risk and the decisions distributors and theatre owners are making can only be called gambles, if "well educated guesses" make less sense over time. FourT3 effectively solves this problem, unlocking latent potential and transforming the industry. 

11th June 2024

AI is not a magic word

Apple's launnch of the Apple Intelligence frontier this weekend is teaching the myopic venture community that AI isn't the future of Tech without being coupled with brick & mortar platforms, because that's just how the real world works and tech has to complement the real world, not vice versa. According to several news reporters & Tiktokers, startups like Grammerly, Humanepin, Midjourney, 1Password, LastPass, Dashlane, Eitwarden, and many more.  

9th June 2024

Labour is the priority

Does it come as any surprise that the US Stock market is shrinking in tandem with the Labour markets shrinking, when Venture & private equity have been focusing all their innovation on AI & robotics to cut efficiency to the point of cutting out human input. FourT3's approach to AI is one of putting it to the end of creating high value human inputs, because the lessons of millenia have taught us that human cooperation is the key to higher innovation and the term 'Labour market' is merely a term used by econominst to mean, Human cooperation. It is the KEY market to drive growth. The AI cult obessision by venture folk needs to end or they will lose their pants in the coming years, while global economies take a plunge. 

9th June 2024

Talent abounds while recognition is limited

When Joshua bell belted out his best number on a New York subway dressed only as a busker, he was largely ignored by the unassuming. We can infer then, that many talented individuals go ignored by virtue of where they stand, yet, there can be a way for them to be platformed and both profit economically as well as in terms of recognition. FourT3 achieves this goal, of leveling the playing field and maximising capacity and reach. 

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